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Small Beef Ribs (3)

There are 15 units left in stock.

*in-store pickup or local delivery only*.

Beef ribs are ideal for introducing bones to your companion's routine. They're softer, longer-lasting and make it easier to chew meat. Hours of pleasure!

Recreational bones are a great way to stimulate and entertain your dog. Not only do they taste great, they're also good for your dog's oral health!

For small dogs.

Format: pack of 3 small ribs

At home, it's important to always keep raw bones in the freezer and defrost them one at a time. Remember to take the bone out a few minutes before offering it to your dog. If your dog hasn't eaten it all, you can refreeze it just once, in a small airtight bag.

  • Offer 1 or 2 times a week as a supplement to a healthy, natural diet.
  • Always supervise your companion when offering a recreational bone and remove any fragments.
  • Avoid contact with carpets or any surface that is not stain-proof.

Benefits of recreational bones:

Raw recreational bones are a relaxing way to pass the time while exercising. The simple act of chewing helps your companion build a stronger spine and a more muscular neck.

Recreational bones even act like a toothbrush, removing plaque and giving your dog fresher breath.