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Beef Femur

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Recreational bones are a great way to stimulate and entertain your dog. Not only do they taste great, but they're also great for your dog's oral health!

Femurs are ideal for delicate gnawers, as they are high-density load-bearing bones.

For large dogs.

Format: pack of 1 femur

At home, it's important to always keep raw bones in the freezer and thaw them one at a time. Remember to take the bone out a few minutes before offering it to your dog. If your dog hasn't eaten it all, you can refreeze it just once, in a small airtight bag.

  • Offer 1 or 2 times a week as a supplement to a healthy, natural diet.
  • Always supervise your companion when offering a recreational bone and remove any fragments.
  • Avoid contact with carpets or other non-stain-resistant surfaces.

Benefits of recreational bones:

Raw recreational bones are a relaxing way to pass the time while exercising. The simple act of chewing helps your companion build a stronger spine and a more muscular neck.

Recreational bones even act like a toothbrush, removing plaque and giving your dog fresher breath.