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Free delivery of material for all purchases of 99$ and more in Quebec and Ontario, 200$ and more elsewhere in Canada *certain conditions apply*.
Free delivery of material for all purchases of 99$ and more in Quebec and Ontario, 200$ and more elsewhere in Canada *certain conditions apply*.
There are 23 units left in stock.
The butterworm, between 1 and 2cm in size, is rich in protein but also high in fat. For this reason, it should not be used as a staple food, but it can be given once in a while to vary the diet. With its yellow/orange color and fruit smell (yes, it's true!!), it quickly captures the animal's attention.
The slightly fatter worms also have their uses. They can be used to help a female regain weight after laying eggs, to help babies grow, to give a little extra vigor to individuals who need to regain their strength...and they also serve as little treats that please our animals and vary the routine.
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